Sunday, February 21, 2016

Cure the Common Cold

We have all done the research. We have all heard of different and unusual cure for the common cold; eat more garlic, chicken broth, Vick's Vapor Rub on the feet. I appreciate a good blog that uncovers all the secrets to my health, but truthfully, none of us are doctors and sometimes the cure is a little out there. The only way to really know if any of these cures work is just to give a good go and see what happens.

I've learned the consequence to my health when it comes to having a toddler and a baby. I have never been so sick in one year, in my entire life. A simple head cold, followed by my first sinus infection, followed by RSV, followed by a kidney infection. In less than four months I had been on antibiotics three times. It was no surprise when another cold started to creep up on me. I had no immune fighters left to fend it off. I had used up all my sick days, seriously could not afford to be sent home again, and all the starter symptoms were there. Headache, tickle in the throat, a little nose run. My toddler, Maximus, was mostly likely the carrier this time around. He had been battling it for a couple weeks.

I put a humidifier in his room, gave him Children's Tylenol. I swear toddlers are just used to it. He goes about his business, wiping boogers on his sleeve, like its just an everyday thing. I, on the other hand, decided it was time to do some serious research.

Most concoctions will say a pinch of cinnamon, or a teaspoon of chili powder, a little of this or that in your tea. Nope, nope, nope, not me. I don't time for a little pinch to do the trick. While I knew that the particular ingredient had its merit, I wanted a serious dose of the cure. Now. So I made my own concoction. I took it 3X a day for 2 days, 2X a day for the next 2 days, and that was it. After the first shot, the symptoms actually subsided, returned slightly the next morning, I continued with my dosage, the cold never came. No sick days. Phew!

Not long after, my husband, came down with it. Now, he was full-fledged sick as a dog. He tends to not complain of being sick (lucky me). He has to be pretty miserable to even say anything. Finally, he complains of having this horrible cold. So I pulled out my cure, sliced up some lemons, and pulled out the honey. and warmed up the elixir in a shot glass. After 3X times of taking it that day he was right as rain. Said it was the only thing that felt like it was actually working. He continued for a few more days for extra measure. The elixir cured his cold. Stopped it dead in its tracks.

So here is how I like to take my medicine: suck on the lemon slice, shoot the elixir in a shot glass (warmed for 20 sec) and lick a dollop of honey off your hand. I don't know why I decided to do that way. I suppose it is because I am not a fan of apple cider vinegar at all, and this makes it just so drinkable.

My recipe awaits you below followed by the research to each cold curing ingredients. In addition, to these ingredients, you may also add a little whiskey to make it a night time cold medicine. Hope you feel better!


"All honey is antibacterial, because the bees add an enzyme that makes hydrogen peroxide,” said Peter Molan, director of the Honey Research Unit at the University of Waikato in New Zealand...Honey helps with coughs, particularly Buckwheat Honey . In a study of 110 children, a single dose of buckwheat honey was just as effective as a single dose of dextromethorphan in relieving nocturnal cough and allowing proper sleep." -Real Food For Life


"Inflammation in the body is incredibly important. It helps the body fight infections and repair tissue damage. However, inflammation can become a problem when it is chronic (long-term) and directed against the body’s own tissues.
Cinnamon may be useful in this regard, because some studies show that the antioxidants in it have potent anti-inflammatory activity Cinnamaldehyde, the main active component of cinnamon, may help fight various kinds of infection.
Cinnamon Oil has been shown to effectively treat respiratory tract infections caused by fungi. It can also inhibit the growth of certain bacteria, including Listeria and Salmonella (3031). The antimicrobial effects of cinnamon may also help prevent tooth decay and reduce bad breath (323334).
Bottom Line: Cinnamaldehyde has antifungal and antibacterial properties, which may reduce infections and help fight tooth decay and bad breath." -Authority Nutrition


"Anti-Irritant Properties: Cayenne has the ability to ease upset stomach, ulcers, sore throats, spasmodic and irritating coughs, and diarrhea. 
Anti-Cold and Flu Agent: Cayenne pepper aids in breaking up and moving congested mucus. Once mucus begins to leave the body, relief from flu symptoms generally follows.
Migraine Headache Prevention: This may be related to the pepper’s ability to stimulate a pain response in a different area of the body, thus reverting the brain’s attention to the new site. Following this initial pain reaction, the nerve fibers have a depleted substance P (the nerve’s pain chemical), and the perception of pain is lessened.
Detox Support:  Cayenne is a known circulatory stimulant. It also increases the pulse of our lymphatic and digestive rhythms. By heating the body, the natural process of detoxification is streamlined. Cayenne also causes us to sweat, another important process of detoxification. Combined with lemon juice and honey, cayenne tea is an excellent morning beverage for total body detox." -Global healing Center

Apple Cider Vinegar

"According to, drinking a tablespoon or two of ACV at the first onset of a cold or the flu—or when someone close to you has it — will help prevent the full on bout of sick.
The main reason this works is that apple cider vinegar, as acidic as it tastes, actually helps to alkalize your body (most of us are more acidic). A body that’s more alkaline may be more effective at fighting off viruses that cause colds and the flu. So adding in a wee bit of the tart, tangy vinegar can help." -Organic Authority

  Lemon Juice :

"Lemons are loaded with Vitamin C , which is known to support the body’s natural defenses. Lemon (and lime) juice is reported to decrease the strength of the cold and flu virus in the body and reduce phlegm." -Doctor Oz

Whiskey :

"Moderate alcohol intake on a regular basis has been linked to improved lung function...Research is still mixed about the effects of alcohol on inflammation and the immune system, but in moderate amounts it is unlikely to cause any negative side effects for immunity. In general, moderate alcohol use is unlikely to negatively impact the frequency or severity of colds." -Healthline 

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